Gas used for cooking, lighting, heating, and commercial purposes was manufactured at the Equity Works Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP). The Equity Works MGP was in operation by the early 1900’s, with gas generation, gas storage, and purifier house processes in place. The plant was developed to its maximum extent around 1921. By 1932 the relief holder was partially decommissioned and by 1933 gas manufacturing equipment had been removed. BUG maintained ownership of the property until approximately 1951. Subsequently, the site was used for storage from 1965 to 1981 and appears to have been vacant during the period of 1986 to 1988. Portions of the site have been used as a solid waste transfer facility since at least 1990 to the present under the ownership of various parties.
The plant used coal and petroleum products to create a flammable gas which was piped into the surrounding neighborhoods. After the property was sold by The Brooklyn Union Gas Company, it was subdivided and now has multiple private owners and uses. National Grid is responsible for the investigation and remediation of the site because it was operated by a subsidiary (The Brooklyn Union Gas Company) at the time MGP-related contamination occurred.
This website provides information on the Equity Works former MGP site, the Remedial Investigation of the site, and opportunities for public participation. National Grid is committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment, always seeking ways to minimize the environmental impacts of our past, present, and future activities. We hope this website, a part of our public participation and outreach efforts, is helpful and informative. If you need additional information or have suggestions to make our website better, please contact the individuals listed under Contacts.
For more information about the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Manufactured Gas Plant Site program go to: http://www.dec.ny.gov/
K-Equity Works MGP Site IRM Project
222 Maspeth Avenue, Brooklyn NY
Website Update – January 16, 2025
National Grid’s contractor, Posillico Environmental, Inc. (Posillico), began implementation of interim remedial measure (IRM) activities at the K-Equity Works former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site to address MGP Site related impacts in accordance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) approved design. The IRM work is located at 222 Maspeth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, with a support area across the street at 287 Maspeth Avenue.
Mobilization began on June 26, 2023, with full time work activities starting on July 31, 2023. Intrusive activities at the Site were suspended on September 20, 2024. Community air monitoring ceased on September 16, 2024, and restarted on November 18, 2024, while noise, vibration and settlement monitoring have remained ongoing during the work stoppage.
- The key elements of the remediation work include:
- Underpinning of certain site structures;
- Removal of surficial concrete;
- Shallow excavation;
- In-situ soil stabilization / solidification;
- Deep excavation under a temporary tent structure; and
- Site restoration.
- Measures have been established to reduce potential noise, vibration, and dust from the work.
- Air, noise, and vibration monitoring are conducted to ensure that the work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the NYSDEC, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and New York City (NYC).
On-going activities:
- Collected residual fluids and sediment generated during the water treatment system (“WTS”) cleanout are being prepared for disposal.
- Community Air Monitoring, noise, vibration, and settlement monitoring continue.
Recently completed activities:
- Cleanout and demobilization of remaining WTS components.
- Selected equipment, materials, and systems have been demobilized due to work suspension.
Upcoming work activities:
- Disposal of residual fluids and solids generated during the WTS cleanout.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring was re-instated on November 18, 2024 prior to resuming cleanout of WTS components. For the period between 12/14/2024 – 01/10/2025, there were no measured readings above action levels associated with site activities for Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) or Particulate Matter (PM-10).
Contact Information
National Grid will continue to provide updates as the work at the site proceeds. For more information, please leave a message on our hotline at (718) 982-7349.